This blog will primarily be about my TTC (trying to conceive) journey. I am TTC in my late 20's as full-time house-wife/ "crafter" living away from friends and family in Michigan. My husband and I are trying for our first baby.

I decided to start this blog as a way to express myself, record my experiences/feelings and to receive information and support from others. Please feel free to leave comments or ask any questions. I hope you will share this journey with us!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

cycle 21

Today has been possibly the worst day I've had in a long time. It starts out with my boss telling me that he's going to be laying me off come Monday for a few months. Which I am pretty sure is more of a permanent one then temporary.  I did really good and didn't cry when he told me, and was able to go until the end of the day with out tears. I even went without them when my period came. But when my husband called and told me that he is also temporarily laid off until his company can get their budget worked out I lost it. I couldn't keep it together anymore. I was bawling on my drive home from work. I still can't wrap my head around today. Funny thing, we just spent $650 to put a floor in our house (we currently have unfinished cement), and the money was cash that we received for Christmas gifts and some that we had saved for.  We are also currently having to save to replace our roof because we had a tree fall on it the other week. Everything that has been happening is masking the deep hurt and sadness that is radiating through my body over this cycle.

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