This blog will primarily be about my TTC (trying to conceive) journey. I am TTC in my late 20's as full-time house-wife/ "crafter" living away from friends and family in Michigan. My husband and I are trying for our first baby.

I decided to start this blog as a way to express myself, record my experiences/feelings and to receive information and support from others. Please feel free to leave comments or ask any questions. I hope you will share this journey with us!

Friday, September 14, 2012


So I had my first appointment with my OB about our possible infertility. It went as I had expected it to go and better. I was a little nervous about seeing a male doctor. Okay let me rephrase that, I was VERY nervous about seeing a male doctor. I haven’t seen a male doctor since I was in grade school; I’ve gone to a female doctor ever since I started having a yearly exam. He did a good job at making me feel comfortable talking with him and once I was about to talk freely with out feeling emotional I felt better about having him as my doctor.
So after getting my medical history and talking about the possibility that I could have PCOS we also got to talking about DH’s possible problem. When he was younger, he had surgery to correct a varicose vein blood flow problem with his “boys” (they were getting to much blood). My doctor concluded that the first step is to get a sperm sample to see if the surgery worked and he has viable sperm. If the sample is good and there aren’t problems there then we get to look into if I do have PCOS or some other underlying condition.
I think DH is not going to be very happy with me when I tell him that he has to abstain from sex or relieving himself for 48 full hours before giving a sample. He is currently off bear hunting and won’t be home until Tuesday and I told the doctor that he would give a sample for Wednesday morning. At least we will know by Thursday the results.

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